On February 26-27, 2015 the VI International Forum "Ecology" in St. Petersburg is held as part of the United Russia party’s project "St. Petersburg - the Sea Capital of Russia". The purpose of the forum is to take important decisions that contribute to environmental safety of water resources of the Russian Federation.
On the first day of the Forum several discussion forums operates allowing experts to analyze the situation and work out important initiatives towards modernization municipal complex of the Russian Federation in 2012-2020 year, the tariff regulation of water supply and sanitation. Delegates and journalists are very interested in the discussion of the Federal Law "On Amending the Federal Law "About Environmental Protection "and some legislative acts of the Russian Federation", signed in 2014 by President Vladimir Putin. This law is aimed at the modernization of the technological base of businesses that will reduce the negative impact on the ecological status of water resources.
Deputy of the State Duma of Russia, Chairman of the FPLB Board of Trustees Mikhail Slipenchuk acts as a moderator of the plenary session of the Forum on "State policy in the sphere of environmental safety of water resources of the Russian Federation".
Water and environmental safety to a large extent determines the national security state. Water resources affect the development of the national economy and the maintenance of social and economic programs of the country. Within the framework of an open dialogue the public policy and regulatory framework in the field of water resources, the negative impact of pollutants on the state of water from the housing and communal services, industry and transport industry are discussed.
"Today in Russia the control is back over the activities of enterprises, the environmental lawmaking is conducted. But it will not work effectively without the participation of society, "- Mikhail Slipenchuk said. "I am delighted that the environment as a social movement has in our public consciousness a stable resistance. But difficulties appear in the realization of public control. We need rules which take into account public opinion in the environmental monitoring of the state of the environment". Mikhail Slipenchuk invited all experts at a round table in the State Duma to discuss on the topic of legislative consolidation of public control in the environment as well as amendments to the Education Act that strengthen the environmental component. "Environmental education should be compulsory. These changes will strengthen our platform of civil society ", - concluded the deputy.
In parallel with the business program of the Forum, the exhibition is held which brings together international and regional innovative projects in the field of environmental protection and public conservation organizations including the Fund for Protection of Lake Baikal. On the stand of the Fund the aims and objectives of the Fund, the Fund's partners are presented, as well as the international scientific expedition and research project on the nature of Lake Baikal using ultralight motorized trikes from the air "Lehman-Baikal" is described.
The second day of the International Forum "Ecology" will be devoted to international cooperation in transboundary water management and development of water complex regions of Russia. Participation in the plenary session will be representatives of the Eurasian Economic Community, as well as China, Finland, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands and others. The heads and representatives of the regions of the Russian Federation will share with colleagues, and answered questions from journalists about the decision of the problems associated with water pollution.
The main outcome of the event will be a resolution to the suggestions and recommendations of the Forum, which will be forwarded to the relevant committees of the upper and lower chambers of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, ministries and agencies to improve legislation and state regulation in the sphere of protection of water resources.
The event is held with the support and participation of both chambers of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, the Ministry of construction and housing utilities of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other relevant ministries and agencies. General information partner of the event is INA "Russia Today".
The Forum was attended by over 600 delegates representing the federal and regional authorities, the business community and non-profit organizations from 50 regions of Russia and 30 foreign countries.
Link to the site: http://global-port.ru/ru/conferences/38.html