The first 3D documentary film about Lake Baikal is going to be released in 2018 with support of the Russian Ministry of Culture, the “Modern Age” productions and the group of companies “Luxor”.
Company “Luxor” started filming in March 2017. Audience will see pristine wilderness of Baikal, its flora and fauna. The movie will show main problems of mankind – fresh water shortage, global warming and drought control. The director of the project is Anastasia Popova (“Water”, “Empowered by garbage”, “Gone by the Sea”).
The leading scientists and experts, specialists on wildlife survey, moviemakers from Russia, the USA, Germany, Canada and France take part in film production. The Russian Geographical Society, UNESCO, State Space Corporation “Roscosmos” etc. showed their interest in the project expressed.
The Head of the Fund for Protection of Lake Baikal Mikhail Slipenchuk became the consultant of movie “The Heart of the World: Baikal 3D”. In 2008-2010 Mikhail V. Slipenchuk had organized and financed the International expedition “Mirs” on Baikal” with a participation of scientists, politicians and public figures from all over the world. The Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin took part in the submersions to the very bottom of Lake Baikal. The idea of an expedition was born in North Pole, in 2007. The aim of this expedition was awareness of Baikal problems by politicians and public figures. In 2018 it will be 10 years since its start.
Mikhail Slipenchuk has highly appreciated an
idea of the full-length popular-science 3D-film about Lake Baikal
and has expressed the hope that the movie will be informative; it
can get a message of the Baikal beauty and scale to an audience,
also, it will direct to save and protect this unique natural
reservoir of fresh water.